Plan not performing same validations as Apply


We were wondering whether it is possible for TF Plan to perform the same steps/checks/validations as TF Apply.

We have noticed this for other object types in the past, but the most recent example we have is with genesyscloud_flow:

Plan shows (correctly) that a flow update will be applied:

~ resource "genesyscloud_flow" "FLOW_NAME" {
+ file_content_hash = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
# (1 unchanged attribute hidden)

However, during a release, when we run Apply, the flow update fails (in this case due to a missing dependency - missing column in a datatable):

...unable to find 'field xxx' on the action 'dataTableLookup' named 'yyy'

If I recall correctly, another example from past would be Apply stage fails to create object when it already exists (rightfully so), but the Plan stage only displays that it will be created.

Would it please be possible to detect these types of things as part of the Plan stage? In other words, can the Plan stage run all the same validations as the Apply stage?

Thank you in advance.


Apologies for replying to myself, I have a few more examples.

Datatable update - Plan indicates columns will be removed. Apply:
...API Error: 400 - Field '[REDACTED len=28]' is missing from the proposed schema...

DNC List Division update - Plan indicates Division will be changed. Apply:
Error: mismatch on attribute division_id:
expected value: xxxxxxx
actual value: yyyyyyy

Prompt removal - Plan indicates prompt will be removed. Apply:
Error: Failed to delete user prompt PROMPT_NAME: API Error: 409 - 'PROMPT_NAME' cannot be deleted because other objects depend on it.

Thank you.


We had another example with Callabletimeset:
Error: Failed to delete Outbound Callabletimeset: Failed to delete timeset: API Error: 400 - Referential integrity is not satisfied

Thank you.