

I query the post_analytics_conversations_details_query end point using the Python SDK throughout the day. I am using this to get conversation detail and write it to my own GBQ bucket for analytics purposes. In my script I first query the conversation id's I already grabbed and then when my script loops through the calls it ignores those. Is it possible to send that list through the post to have my results returned to exclude those? I think it could make my script more efficient. Here is a sample query I have now:
query = {
"interval": self.interval,
"orderBy": "conversationStart",
"order": "asc",
"paging": {"pageSize": 1,
"pageNumber": 1},
"conversationFilters": [{
"type": "and",
"predicates": [{
"type": "dimension",
"dimension": "conversationEnd",
"operator": "exists"}]},
{"type": "or",
"predicates": [
{"type": "dimension", "dimension": "divisionId",
"value": "95237dbf-6427-459c-8478-8c15db331b96"},
{"type": "dimension", "dimension": "divisionId",
"value": "b6ab0da2-81f2-4b18-be12-b9195ac5c333"},
{"type": "dimension", "dimension": "divisionId",
"value": "1aebe5fb-08fe-480a-a959-bcde5bea36bb"},
{"type": "dimension", "dimension": "divisionId",
"value": "85c45ca9-1565-46fc-8d26-0d578c47af34"},
{"type": "dimension", "dimension": "divisionId",
"value": "c5ff4e21-da77-4f64-81a2-4d049c08855f"},
{"type": "dimension", "dimension": "divisionId",
"value": "0f232980-d415-49f2-b0f1-fe431b5cade2"}]}],
"segmentFilters": [{
"type": "and",
"predicates": [{
"type": "dimension",
"dimension": "mediaType",
"value": "voice"}]}]}

The self.interval is a variable datetime interval.

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