Postman and oauth


using Authorization Code as the grant type.

step 5 Click Get access token . I get
" Sorry, that page doesn't exist.
The admin portal is constantly being updated. Try navigating from Admin Home or visiting the Resource Center below for more information."

Any help to reslove this would be great :slight_smile:

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That error sounds like one of the URLs is configured incorrectly.

If you are using the postman environment variable, I think there is a typo in the two URLs.
Missing {}.
Authorization URL https://login.{{environment}}/oauth/authorize
Access token URL https://login.{{environment}}/oauth/token
or you can point directly to your org's region with,, ...

In Postman, I have left "Authorize using browser" unchecked.
And I have added to my OAuth client Authorized Redirect URIs.

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I hard coded and noticed that

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When I login nonrmally I see a menu option "Authorized applications" which is not there when post man logs in. This could be the issue i feel but why it is missing?

menu option

I'm not sure what page that is that you're seeing, but that's definitely not the Genesys Cloud authentication screen. Be sure you're using the URLs for authorization as defined in the documentation.

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