Problem running Premium Application Example locally

Hey everyone! I'm getting this issue at running our premium application example and for some reason, when I open the app embedded in Genesys, it joins in a "loop" rendering wizardUriBase and redirectURLOnWizardCompleted, my config looks like this:

I set bot configs the same only for testing but i know they must be different, even with differents urls im getting this problem, and looks like premium app is asumming wizard is being completed as soon as I open the app, this a gif that ilustrates my issue, just followed the tutorial offered by genesys cloud to locally deploy wizard


Thank you so much, i hope someone can help me to solve this!


You should clearly not have the same urls for both your wizardUriBase and your redirectURLOnWizardCompleted. It does not make sense and it is wrong (unless you modified the logic of the premium application sample code to manage this case).
The purpose of the redirectURLOnWizardCompleted is to display a different page than the start/index page of the wizard.
If the wizard considers objects have already been created, it will redirect to that url and loop and loop.....

You can find the Premium Application Wizard Guide here.

You may have other issues in your config.js.
You should have created an OAuth Implicit Grant client (and update the clientId in config.js).
The Wizard will consider it has been deployed if one of the objects defined in provisioningInfo (with prefix value in front) exist. Make sure to delete them from the Genesys Cloud Admin UI. And then try.


Thank you Jerome! the issue is that those roles and config were already created in our genesys cloud! it was the problem

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