Dooh! Our documentation still assumes a Linux/OS X view of the world. What you need to do is first set the GO111MODULE as an environment variable = on. env is a Linux/Unix/OS X view of the world. Once you set the environment variable you can run:
go install
Also, we do pre-compile the windows binary. It can be downloaded from the developer center.
Please let us know if you are still having any issues.
John Carnell
Manager, Developer Engagement
Download the binary and then rename it to something like gcli.exe.
Before you build the code unset the alias in your shell and then run the command. The binary should be put under the go/bin directory and then you can rename it there.
Great! We did not expose all of the endpoints in the CLI so please let me know if there is any endpoints that you wish you do and we can see about turning it around. Also, we are doing a DevCast webinar tomorrow on the CLI. If you are interested signup for it. Here is the link.
Also take a look at our recipes repo for some of the stuff we have started using it for.
John Carnell
Manager, Developer Engagement
Cool we have some of the queue and skills APIs available. I have not made all of the edge apis available yet. The edge (and analytics apis) have a lot of endpoints so I need to go through and map them out with the dev team who owns them, but my goal is tor try and work on the analytics and edge APIs next.
John Carnell
Manager, Developer Engagement