PSA - Voice Mail w/ Callback Will Ruin Your Handle Time

Here's a fun little discovery that Customer Care claims is a Feature not a Bug to watch out for;

If you have internal reps reach a queue that offers voice mail & callback, the callback record it creates assigns to the initiating user and tracks as both talk time and handle time until it resolves;

Karen called the hotline, left a 30 second voice mail.
John called Karen back the next day.
Karen got 17 hours of talk time and handle time in callback she can't see or interact with for a queue she isn't even a member of for a callback that was to her not by her.


we have the same challenge as well. We did overcome this by collecting topic data at the conversion level to report on any sessions that is still an active conversation

Similarly I'm currently manually rematerializing any metrics from segments where the participant purpose is user and the media type is callback and backing them out of their corresponding aggregate metrics table until someone can convinced their is no legitimate use case for this functionality/behavior and it's a blatant bug with 100% undesired effects and fixes it.

Even if they have to create the segment itself to maintain who is supposed to be called back because it has to be owned by "someone" to make the feature work it they could easily add an exception to emitting erroneous metrics for it and just not rather than making us back them out after the fact.

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