PureCloud Embed Framework iframe error Content Security Policy Directive frame ancesstor self

hi All,

I am trying Purecloud Embeddable Framework, https://github.com/MyPureCloud/purecloud-embeddable-framework-example and got issue Embed Framework iframe unable to load,

I can get PureCloud login page rendered:

But when I logged in, got following error:

Refused to frame 'https://apps.mypurecloud.com.au/' because an ancestor violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "frame-ancestors 'self' *.salesforce.com".

Just wondering if anyone can help to fix this ? Is there any setting missing.

Appreciate for all help.

Thank you


Your Genesys Cloud org is most probably configured to Restrict Genesys Cloud Embedding - and you only defined *.salesforce.com as Allowed Embeddable Domains.
You either need to disable this restriction or add localhost to the list of Allowed Embeddable Domains.
See Manage Genesys Cloud embedding on the Resource Center.


Thanks Jerome.


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