Purecloud for Salesforce - pass DNIS to flow variable

The documentation about passing variables to salesforce is confusing. We use lightning and have a flow that we want to launch when no records are found. I want to pass the DNIS into the flow, into a variable, I can do a lookup on that DNIS to pull back data was have on each DNIS on a custom object in salesforce. Is it possible to do this? Even if it is a url pop I can formulate the flow url + variable name + dnis if that is possible.

I'm not entirely clear what you're asking about. First, which documentation in the resource center are you referring to? Next, are you wanting to run a lighting flow, or a PureCloud call flow?

Hopefully with the answers to these questions will help sort out the best way to achieve what you're looking for.

If no records are found I want to launch a purecloud flow and pass the dnis value into it.

Here is an example url that works:

These are the Purecloud documents I am referring to:

The last document states:
Lightning Experience does not support the use of the SF_URLPop custom attribute to screen pop a new record in Salesforce.

I went ahead and created an attribute in an inbound call flow that set participant attribute:


It actually caused SF to pop to the flow and passed in the DNIS. The problem is it always caused the flow/screen pop so even if I had a record that matched the ANI, it would do the screen pop and I don't want that.

Ideally we set the "No matching records: Pop to flow Phone Pop Revenue Partner Website Lead Flow" to Pop to Flow and can pass in a variable that the flow is expecting.

Does that help?

So the problem is that you're trying to mix two methods of screenpops that aren't really compatible, which is part of why the doc isn't lining up with what you're trying to do.

The default ani based screenpop utilizes a default salesforce CTI method that doesn't allow for overloading with additional attributes. At some point in the near future, you may be able to use this method in conjunction with some in app notifications we will be providing to parse the interaction details to provide data to the flow, but there's not really anything that can be done with this today.

The URL pop method is one that does allow for passing in parameters (as you've discovered).

My recommendation would be to use data actions in the IVR to identify the user, then either pop directly to the user record or the flow page based on whether identifying the user by ani is successful.

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