PureCloudOauthControl Deprication

I see that the package PurecloudOauthControl is depricated and it's recomended use the GenesysCloudOAuthWebView package instead.
I'm just wondring how long we can keep using the old package before it may stop working?
Do you have any plan soon to make some breaking changes?
I'm just trying to find out the risk around using the old packege and if we should go over to the new package as soon as possible?

Hi Frank,

The PureCloudOAuthControl and the GenesysCloudOAuthWebView package are open-source and not part of the core Genesys platform. So while we might archive the project and deprecate it, you are free to use the code "as-is". However, we are no longer actively contributing to the PurecloudOAuthControl project. If a bug or feature enhancement is requested, we would not be perform the work (though you are free to contribute a PR).

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement

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