Python SDK Genesys /api/v2/analytics/users/aggregates/query results: None

I have been working on using the /api/v2/analytics/users/aggregates/query to get 30 minute intervals for user status. I have included the query below. My issue is that when I run this query inside of python I get results as none. When I run this query inside of the Execute Request inside of the Analytics API explorer I get full results for this user.

api_instance = PureCloudPlatformClientV2.UsersApi();
body = PureCloudPlatformClientV2.UserAggregationQuery()
filterObj = PureCloudPlatformClientV2.UserAggregateQueryFilter()

predicate1 = PureCloudPlatformClientV2.UserAggregateQueryPredicate()
predicatedArray = []
predicate1.dimension = "userId"
predicate1.value = "6e63a163-d4d0-47ef-8f88-9ec81fedfb7e"
predicate1.operator = "matches"
predicate1.type = "dimension"

filterObj.type = "or"
filterObj.predicates = predicatedArray

body.interval = '2024-03-18T00:00:00/2024-03-19T00:00:00'
body.group_by = ["userId"]
body.granularity = "PT30M"
body.metrics = ["tSystemPresence"]
body.filter = filterObj


   api_response = api_instance.post_analytics_users_aggregates_query(body)
except ApiException as e:
   print("Exception when calling UsersApi->post_analytics_users_aggregates_query: %s\n" % e)

The body looks like this in the request:

{'alternate_time_dimension': None,
 'filter': {'clauses': None,
            'predicates': [{'dimension': 'userId',
                            'operator': 'matches',
                            'range': None,
                            'type': 'dimension',
                            'value': '6e63a163-d4d0-47ef-8f88-9ec81fedfb7e'}],
            'type': 'or'},
 'flatten_multivalued_dimensions': None,
 'granularity': 'PT30M',
 'group_by': ['userId'],
 'interval': '2024-03-18T00:00:00/2024-03-19T00:00:00',
 'metrics': ['tSystemPresence'],
 'time_zone': None,
 'views': None}

Any advice or guidance on this is appreciated, thank you!

Hi Nick,

What is the request body you sending to sending in the api explorer?


Hi Delcan,

Here is the request body that I am sending in the api-explorer. The response I get is giving full data inside of the genesys api explorer

  "interval": "2024-03-18T00:00:00/2024-03-19T00:00:00",
  "granularity": "PT30M",
  "groupBy": [
  "filter": {
    "type": "or",
    "predicates": [
        "type": "dimension",
        "dimension": "userId",
        "operator": "matches",
        "value": "6e63a163-d4d0-47ef-8f88-9ec81fedfb7e"
  "metrics": [

Hi Nick,

This might be due to some values being set as null when the request is sent. In some cases a value being set as null is not the same as it not being set and can change the data returned. Could you print print(body.to_json()) and then try the output of that print in api explorer and see if you get data returned?


Okay, so I put in as much information as possible, when I ran the request in the api explorer, when views were null or clauses were null I got a 500 response code.

I updated the information in my code to enter as much information as possible to prevent the nulls throwing it off. The only one I could not enter is range since range must be null when using the matches operator for a dimension predicate.

{"interval": "2024-03-18T00:00:00/2024-03-19T00:00:00", "granularity": "PT30M", "time_zone": "EST", "group_by": ["userId"], "filter": {"type": "or", "clauses": [{"type": "or", "predicates": [{"type": "dimension", "dimension": "userId", "operator": "matches", "value": "6e63a163-d4d0-47ef-8f88-9ec81fedfb7e"}]}], "predicates": [{"type": "dimension", "dimension": "userId", "operator": "matches", "value": "6e63a163-d4d0-47ef-8f88-9ec81fedfb7e", "range": null}]}, "metrics": ["tSystemPresence"], "flatten_multivalued_dimensions": "true", "views": [{"target": "tSystemPresence", "name": "Views", "function": "rangeBound", "range": {"gte": 0, "lt": 100000000000}}], "alternate_time_dimension": "eventTime"}

Here is the code the api explorer generated with the input

  "timeZone": "EST",
  "granularity": "PT30M",
  "interval": "2024-03-18T00:00:00/2024-03-19T00:00:00",
  "groupBy": [
  "filter": {
    "type": "or",
    "predicates": [
        "type": "dimension",
        "dimension": "userId",
        "operator": "matches",
        "value": "6e63a163-d4d0-47ef-8f88-9ec81fedfb7e",
        "range": {
          "gte": 0,
          "lte": 1011010
    "clauses": [
        "type": "or",
        "predicates": [
            "type": "dimension",
            "dimension": "userId",
            "operator": "matches",
            "value": "6e63a163-d4d0-47ef-8f88-9ec81fedfb7e"
  "metrics": [
  "flattenMultivaluedDimensions": true,
  "views": [
      "target": "tSystemPresence",
      "name": "Views",
      "function": "rangeBound",
      "range": {
        "gte": 0,
        "lt": 100000000000
  "alternateTimeDimension": "eventTime"

The api explorer is still giving me full information for this users 30 minute intervals.

The api response from this body in the python sdk request is still

{'results': None, 'system_to_organization_mappings': None}

The only other reason I can think this is happening is perhaps you are using a different endpoint with the python sdk than you are on api explorer or you are using the python sdk in a different org than on api explorer

I don't believe so, I have multiple queries on the script that are all working perfectly besides this one so I know it is connected to the correct org.

As far as endpoint goes, I am running the code above and I believe they are the proper ones. It is the same as the python SDK code in the invocations on the /api/v2/analytics/users/aggregates/query which is where I am running the api explorer.

api_instance = PureCloudPlatformClientV2.UsersApi();
body = PureCloudPlatformClientV2.UserAggregationQuery()
filterObj = PureCloudPlatformClientV2.UserAggregateQueryFilter()

api_response = api_instance.post_analytics_users_aggregates_query(body)

I have already checked my API's permissions and this App has the permission associated with a developer role so everything should be working properly.

Is there a way to submit a ticket about this? The code seems valid to me, the api is responsive, not sending any error codes, but just not delivering results.

Yes you can open a ticket with care to report your problem.

Here is the query I run. It is a different time period and I am looking at different metrics but I am hitting the same endpoint
query = {
"metrics": ["tOrganizationPresence"],
"interval": timerange,
"granularity": "P1D",
"groupBy": ["userId"],
"filter": {"type": "and","predicates": [{
"value": userid,
"dimension": "userId"}]}}
the value is reading a variable, since I am looping through a list of userIds, and the timerange is also a variable in my code. The filter setup is different than what you are doing, maybe that is causing issues?

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