Query related to Adherence Exception Duration in Historical Adherence view

Hi @Dan_Hoffman @brian.trezise

Query related to Adherence Exception Duration in https://developer.genesys.cloud/devapps/api-explorer#get-api-v2-workforcemanagement-adherence-historical-bulk-jobs--jobId-

Is exceptionDurationSeconds in API response referring to Exceptions Duration (Adherence) or Exceptions Duration in Genseys UI


Hi Dileep,

To answer your question: the "Exceptions Duration (Adherence)" column shows the value purely derived from the exceptionDurationSeconds metric returned by the API, so that is what you want. The other column adds time equal to the number of exceptions multiplied by the value configured for the Adherence Exception Threshold setting on the Management Unit.

Regarding exceptionDurationSeconds referring Exceptions Duration (Adherence) is confusing.

Regarding Exceptions Duration
The Adherence Exception Threshold is 1 Minute.
The Exception count is 9
So based on above information the results are not matching.
Exception Duration = 9 * 1
Could you look into this and correct me if i am wrong

Exception Duration (Adherence) = 8 hours 51 minutes
Exception Count = 9
Adherence Exception Threshold = 1 minute

Exception Duration Formula: Exception Duration (Adherence) + Exception Count * Adherence Exception Threshold
Exception Duration = 8 hours 51 minutes + 9 minutes
Exception Duration = 9 hours 0 minutes

Everything is correct.

Okay got it,
Thank you for the detailed explanation.
But coming to naming conventions perspective
exceptionDurationSeconds referring Exceptions Duration (Adherence) is confusing. It would have been good if it was named as exceptionDurationAdherenceSeconds to avoid the confusion as there is another column Exception Duration.

@Dan_Hoffman Regarding Exceptions View

Note: Here, Duration is calculated as endOffsetSeconds - startOffsetSeconds.
Could you please clarify which properties should be used for the Duration (Adherence) calculation?

For the Exceptions view
Duration (Adherence) = Duration - Adherence Exception Threshold

Got it,
Thank you @Dan_Hoffman
We don't have access to Adherence settings.
Could you share the endpoint to acess Adherence settings .

Without accessing Adherence settings any work around to calculate Exception Duration in Historical Adherence view and Duration (Adherence) in Exceptions view.

Here is the APi. You must include the query parameter expand=settings.adherence for the response to include the adherence settings.

Thank you @Dan_Hoffman
For resolving my queries