Endpoints related to Aggregates are only having query endpoints and not having jobs endpoint for getting bulk data.
Is there any usecase regarding having only query endpoint?
How to query bulkdata for aggregates?
How to query bulkdata for aggregates?
In my case i turn whatever interval I actually need into a list of Hours and hit the aggregate endpoint one by one until I've gotten my full time period.
Currently we are in beta for the Aggregates and we are pulling past day data daily but if we want to make our solution efficient for historical data we need to pull bulk data.For new customer registration the default interval to pull data is past 90 days (initial data sync). If i am going with query, i need to make multiple api calls splitting into days which in turn leads to increase in time for processing historical data.
Endpoints related to Aggregates are only having query endpoints and not having jobs endpoint for getting bulk data.
Thanks for the update and the problem is i don't have access to ideas portal is there any tentative date when these features will be released.
I worked on utilizing the Aggregates related Endpoints stuff which is my first R&D Task.
Related to Genesys cloud Aggregates Jobs which are under Preview API's, I worked on Conversation Aggregate Jobs, Bot Aggregate Jobs and Flow Aggregate Jobs during Q4 2022 or Q1 2023
Below are the endpoints
- https://developer.genesys.cloud/platform/preview-apis#post-api-v2-analytics-bots-aggregates-jobs
- https://developer.genesys.cloud/platform/preview-apis#post-api-v2-analytics-conversations-aggregates-jobs
- https://developer.genesys.cloud/platform/preview-apis#post-api-v2-analytics-flows-aggregates-jobs
But if it is 2025 it is too long.
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