Query Related to Conformance %

Query Related to Conformance %
Here the conformance % is 83.03 and Average Conformance is 75.74%.
When I sum up all days which have conformance % in 1day granularity i am getting an average of 75.74% and not 83.03%.
Here I want to understand the calculations impacting.

Note: 1st December 2024 has conformance % as -

@Dan_Hoffman @brian.trezise could you guide me regarding this.

Hey Dileep,

This behavior is possibly due to those empty days but I do not think its expected behavior. So this is quite possibly a bug with the Historical Adherence UI. There are a few ideas around the cause of this possible bug. I would recommend you open a support ticket for this so we can get an investigation started and possible fix prioritized.

Greetings of the day,
Support case is opened #0003670567 by our support team

FYI @Dan_Hoffman

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