Query related to WFM Adherence Exceptions.
Is it possible the exceptions get deleted after few days.
Related to Sep 30 2024 data we retrieved the data on Jan 23 2025.
There are 3 exceptions returned during that time.
But currently it is retrieving only two exceptions.
@Dan_Hoffman @brian.trezise could you guide me regarding this issue
Hi, most probable cause of this is that either the adherence settings were updated for the management unit causing one of the exceptions to no longer be considered an exception, or the schedule was modified in a way that got rid of one of the exceptions.
Hi @Dan_Hoffman ,
Greetings of the day
FYI: I am asking about September 2024 data.
How to validate these two scenarios discussed above.
Maybe I'm not understanding what you are asking. You queried historical adherence data for September 30 2024 and got 3 exceptions, then queried it again some days later and it only had 2 exceptions. Exceptions are when an agent is not following their schedule. These are determined based on historical presence/routing status data, the schedule for that day, and the adherence settings configured on the management unit. As I said in my previous post, the most likely reason the number decreased was that the adherence settings were changed or the schedule for September 30 2024 was modified.
If you need to figure out if the settings changed or if the schedule was modified you should be able to check the audit history.
We loaded data from 2024-01-01 to 2025-01-22 on 23rd Jan 2025.
Our QA Team found some issue on that data today and i validated the database side it returned me 3 exceptions.
When i sent API request with same request body it returned me two exceptions.
Then I will reiterate that probably the schedule was modified or adherence settings changed. I will try to illustrate this with pictures.
Here is an exception where the user was scheduled to be On Queue but their actual presence was Offline. I can modify this schedule to get rid of this exception.
After modifying the schedule by shifting the start time for the On Queue activity to match when the user actually went on queue, the exception is now gone.
Also changing any of these adherence values for the management unit can also cause exceptions to disappear.
Thank you @Dan_Hoffman for the information
Reviewed the Aduit Viewer and found the issue.
Regarding the issue the 3rd Exception was 300 seconds ( 5minutes).
When we pulled the data on 23rd January the Adherence Exception Threshold is 3minutes(180 seconds) and on 24th January the customer updated it to 5minutes (300 seconds)
As the Adherence Settings changed this is the cause of the issue
Audit Log on 24th
Current Adherence Settings
@Dan_Hoffman will it impact only exceptions count or other information in the Adherence report like Adherence % , Conformance %, Impact and other properties in the report.
I'm asking to understand the impact of the adherence configuration change.
If something affects the exceptions, then yes of course it will affect adherence %.
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