Querying social conversations on the basis of end time


Endpoint: /api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/query

I got following social conversation which I want to query on the basis of end time. I tried the following interval but its not working. May I know what interval I should use to fetch my conversation?
"interval": "2023-01-17T00:00:00.000Z/2023-01-17T23:00:00.000Z",

Social Conversation:
"id": "61d3a34b-daa8-4153-8f60-930496848ed8",
"startTime": "2023-01-13T17:46:18.181Z",
"endTime": "2023-01-17T09:39:51.758Z",


Hi, you can filter for conversationEnd and see if that works. Here is a sample query: https://developer.genesys.cloud/devapps/api-explorer?requestConfig=eyJvcGVyYXRpb25JZCI6InBvc3RBbmFseXRpY3NDb252ZXJzYXRpb25zRGV0YWlsc1F1ZXJ5IiwiYm9keSI6eyJjb252ZXJzYXRpb25GaWx0ZXJzIjpbeyJ0eXBlIjoiYW5kIiwiY2xhdXNlcyI6W3sicHJlZGljYXRlcyI6W3sidHlwZSI6ImRpbWVuc2lvbiIsImRpbWVuc2lvbiI6ImNvbnZlcnNhdGlvbkVuZCIsInZhbHVlIjoiMjAyMy0wMS0xN1QwOTozOTo1MS43NThaIn1dfV19XX0sImhlYWRlcnMiOltdfQ==#post-api-v2-analytics-conversations-details-query



We are already using following request/body as per the guidance of the API: But it's not working. Our social conversation started on 13th Jan 2023. So until I use "13th Jan 2023" i.e. the start time of the conversation in interval, it doesn't return anything.


POST https://api.usw2.pure.cloud/api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/query

"order": "asc",

"orderBy": "conversationStart",

"interval": "2023-01-17T00:00:00.000Z/2023-01-17T23:59:59.999Z",

"paging": {

    "pageSize": 100,

    "pageNumber": 1


"conversationFilters": [


        "type": "and",

        "predicates": [


                "type": "dimension",

                "dimension": "conversationEnd",

                "operator": "exists"





"segmentFilters": [


        "type": "or",

        "predicates": [


                "type": "dimension",

                "dimension": "mediaType",

                "value": "message"







"totalHits": 0


Please let me know if we are missing anything in the request body.


Please double-check your interval. Looks like you are using the same day.

For a conversation starting on the 13th but having activity on the 17th, you would still need your interval to touch the 13th. This is a limitation that's documented here: https://developer.genesys.cloud/analyticsdatamanagement/analytics/detail/#interval

If you don't require realtime data, you can leverage the conversation details jobs endpoint which can operate without this limitation. This is further explained here https://developer.genesys.cloud/analyticsdatamanagement/analytics/jobs/conversation-details-job#differences-to-conversation-detail-queries

Sure. Many Thanks. I am able to submit the job request but getting its status is failing. I used environment as "usw2.pure.cloud".

POST https://api.{{environment}}/api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/jobs

"jobId": "34c2cfad-67cd-4d18-a0c7-bfd63b3d6591"

GET https://api.{{environment}}/api/v2/analytics/conversations/details/jobs/34c2cfad-67cd-4d18-a0c7-bfd63b3d6591


ERROR: The request could not be satisfied


The request could not be satisfied.

Bad request. We can't connect to the server for this app or website at this time. There might be too much traffic or a configuration error. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner.
If you provide content to customers through CloudFront, you can find steps to troubleshoot and help prevent this error by reviewing the CloudFront documentation.

Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront)
Request ID: V9Eoakj7an2_fDX63pooWaj7GwBKykVWw8HasL5Old3tY0Ln-REgBg==

Any update on the error reported above on conversation details job API?

@Parvinder_Verint please review your code to be sure you haven't made any typos for that request, giving a specific eye to the hostname and path. That isn't an error from the Platform API service. This means either there's a bug in your code and the request isn't being made the way you think it is or there's something wrong within the Genesys Cloud infrastructure that's producing that error. If it's the latter, you'll need to open a case with Genesys Cloud Care to investigate further.

Sure. Many Thanks. It's working now.

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