Queue Conversation with the longest duration Assistance

In that screenshot, it appears you're converting from a string to datetime, but then trying to assign it to a boolean variable. As the error indicates, a datetime is not able to be cast to a value of true or false. You should either change the value of that variable to datetime or provide an expression that evaluates to a boolean.

Thanks Tim, I am not too sure how to get the time difference so that I can make a decision based on how long the oldest call has been waiting in the queue but I am having a go now.

I am a bit stuck. I have got the data action working as per @Jerome.Saint-Marc assistance. Are you able to assist me in creating the expression that will make a decision if the call is longer than 5 mins for example?

What part are you having trouble with? What have you tried so far?

Not sure if this is the correct way but I am currently using substring so that I can get the year, month, day, hour, min, seconds from the oldestTime output and insert them in individual variables to try use them in the DateTimeDiff() function.

Hi @tim.smith

Apologies, but do you know how to convert the output from "2022-06-13T21:35:43.272Z" to the following format 2022, 6, 1, 7, 17, 14, 821000?

Thank you.


After your "Call Data Action", on the Success output, you should add a "Decision" block to check if you have calls waiting or not.
If not (Task.callsWaiting equal to 0), the Task.oldestTime would be an empty string - max duration = 0.

Regarding the test on duration:

You can use an "Update Data" block, and add an update statement with a variable of type Duration (e.g. Task.OldestDuration). For this statement, define the value as an expression: DateTimeDiff(GetCurrentDateTimeUtc(), ToDateTime(Task.oldestTime))

You can then use a "Decision" block to compare this to the duration you want - using an Expression like the following to check if the duration is greater than 5 minutes: Task.OldestDuration > MakeDuration(0,0,5,0)
MakeDuration -> day, hour, minute, second


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Hi Jerome,

Thank you very much. This was helpful and it is working as required. Appreciate it.

Kind Regards,
Chris Carr

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