We are testing our CICD pipeline to sync data in Genesys Cloud Orgs.
Today we are getting the following error for all 133 queues configured on our env.
The pipeline was successful y'day and today it got failed.
We could see there is a new version 1.59.0 released today.
Is this issue happening because of this release 1.59.0? Please can you check.
│ Error: Failed to update queue AB_BOS_Billing_Q error: API Error: 400 - Value [] is not valid for field type [Mode]. Allowable values are: AgentFirst, CustomerFirst (d93ad2a9-fbe5-4a62-8496-a591305b34e6)
│ with genesyscloud_routing_queue.AB_BOS_Billing_Q,
│ on queues.tf.json line 229, in resource.genesyscloud_routing_queue.AB_BOS_Billing_Q:
│ 229: },
│ {"resourceType":"genesyscloud_routing_queue","method":"PUT","path":"/api/v2/routing/queues/87945aa5-b20e-4f98-899f-801263401cf2","statusCode":400,"errorMessage":"API
│ Error: 400 - Value [] is not valid for field type [Mode]. Allowable values
│ are: AgentFirst, CustomerFirst
│ (d93ad2a9-fbe5-4a62-8496-a591305b34e6)","correlationId":"d93ad2a9-fbe5-4a62-8496-a591305b34e6"}
Do you lock your terraform provider to a specific version and just upgraded or do you always pull the latest provider (which I would not recommend). If you have not updated your terraform provider and are locked into an earlier version, then this sudden change could indicate a version change. We will need to reach out to the API team because something in the backend API will have changed.
John Carnell
Direcror, Developer Engagmenet
Earlier we were specific terraform provider version and then upgraded to 1.56.1. In that release we faced " │ Error: [{0 prompt file not transcoded. User prompt ID:" issue and got an update stating that the issue will be fixed as of v1.58.0.
When v1.58.0 was released, we updated the code to pull latest provider and faced this issue. We will revert to (n-1) version.