Rate limit for creating email conversations

We are in the process of implementing a solution that initiates creating email conversations in bulk.
We expect to create around 150-200 interactions at a time.

I went through the below URL and found that the maximum number os requests per client credentials grant token per minute is 300 and that it is configurable -


The API that we are planning to invoke in bulk is (looping 150-200 times)


We are trying to find interactions belonging to inactive users in salesforce who have cases assigned and redistribute them to queues using a flow ID.

Hi Shashank,

Based on your email I am not really sure what your question is? Could you provide some more context and be more specific about the questions around the API.

John Carnell
Manager, Developer Engagement

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Hi John,

Thank you for responding back!

We have implemented case routing with Salesforce in my organization.
Salesforce sends route requests to Genesys using the Salesforce managed package for Genesys Cloud whenever a case is either created or a salesforce agents intends to transfer a case to a particular queue.

Some of the cases do not get serviced for a long time because they are assigned to some inactive agents who no longer work here. Currently our workforce team manually transfers such cases to the queue using a message box on Salesforce which internally invokes the Managed package to send a route request to Genesys.(to a certain architect flow which sends the interaction back to a queue)

We are hoping to automate the above process. If there are multiple cases that an inactive user was assigned to , the process should invoke transfer request for all those cases at the same time.

As I understand the managed package internally invokes the POST method to create an email conversation using the below API -

The question is if we try to create the email conversations in bulk looping for the number of open cases assigned to a user , would we reach the rate limit and get errors from Genesys Cloud? We are anticipating a maximum of 100-150 cases that have been assigned to an inactive user.

Please let me know if this clarifies what we are trying to accomplish.

Thank You,

Hi Shashank,

A couple of thoughts:

A. We have a 300 requests per minute per OAuth token with a maximum of 3000 requests for all OAuth tokens. If you stay below the 300 requests per minute you should be fine.

B. Most of our rate-limiting situations will return a 429 indicating a rate limit has been reached and will provide in the header a retry-after (in seconds) for when you should try again. So in a "polite" application, your code should handle the rate limit. Here are some documents and blog posts on how to handle rate-limiting:

  1. Rate limiting documentation
  2. Building resiliency into your cloud applications
  3. Rate-limiting Overview DevDrop
  4. How to use the Java SDK to turn on Automated Retry Logic
  5. 45 minute application on building resilent applications.

C. The rate limits I have described so far are for the OAuth Client itself. Individual APIs can have their own rate limits. I suggest you check our API Rate Limits page and see if there are any rate limits applicable to your API call.

I hope that helps.

John Carnell
Manager, Developer Engagment

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