RE: Hide and Show Web Chat button dynamically

Could you please help me out on how to show and hide the web chat button dynamically based on the page navigation or with some value?

I gave a condition to chat button in below format but doesn't work
webchat: {
chatButton: {

                enabled: isValueExists ? true : false,

                'template': '<div class="cx-widget cx-webchat-chat-button cx-side-button" id="geneChatButton" onclick="myChatButton()" role="button" tabindex="0" data-message="ChatButton" data-gcb-service-node="true"><span class="cx-icon" data-icon="chat"></span><span class="i18n cx-chat-button-label" data-message="ChatButton"></span></div>',

                openDelay: 3000,

                effectDuration: 300,

                hideDuringInvite: true



You can set enabled to false and then control the visibility using commands: WebChat - Genesys Documentation

I am failing to enable the chat button using commands and setting enable to false... please guide me on how to handle this..

window._genesys = {

widgets: {

    main: {

        debug: false,

        theme: "light",

        lang: "en",

        customStylesheetID: "genesys_widgets_custom",

        preload: ['webchat'],

        // OR define the JSON object inline

        i18n: {

            "en": {

                "webchat": {

                    "ChatTitle": "Chat with us",





    webchat: {

        userData: {},

        emojis: true,

        cometD: {

            enabled: false


        autoInvite: {

            enabled: false,

            timeToInviteSeconds: 5,

            inviteTimeoutSeconds: 30


        chatButton: {

                enabled: false,

                'template': '<div class="cx-widget cx-webchat-chat-button cx-side-button" id="geneChatButton" onclick="myChatButton()" role="button" tabindex="0" data-message="ChatButton" data-gcb-service-node="true"><span class="cx-icon" data-icon="chat"></span><span class="i18n cx-chat-button-label" data-message="ChatButton"></span></div>',

                openDelay: 2500,

                effectDuration: 300,

                hideDuringInvite: true


        form: {

            wrapper: "<table></table>",



        uploadsEnabled: true,

        enableCustomHeader: true,

        transport: {

            dataURL: "",

            type: "",

            endpoint: "",

            headers: {

                "x-api-key": ""


            stream: "qa"



    onReady: function(){

        var oMyPlugin = window._genesys.widgets.bus.registerPlugin('MyPlugin');

        oMyPlugin.command('WebChat.showChatButton', {


            duration: 1000

            window._genesys.widgets.webchat.chatButton.enabled = true;






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