Regarding changes to genesys.min.js defined in the snippet


We ask about the js file defined in the web messenger snippet.
The div definition has changed between last week and this week.
last week:
div id="genesys-messenger" class="genesys-app"
this week:
div id="messenger" class="genesys-app"
Our customer uses the above div to control the display of their website.
Is this change permanent and will it not change in the future? Or is it subject to irregular change?
Are changes to genesys.min.js not made known to users in advance?

Best regards,
Hirofumi Enotani

Hello, reverse engineering of Genesys' source code and closed-source UIs is unsupported. Please limit your customizations to the supported interfaces documented here:

Indeed @enotani we have changed the id attribute of that div element, to align with recent improvement for accessibility: we wanted to remove our branding from what screenreader are announcing to End-User (for them, vendor's name is not necessarily meaningful), although id not directly involved here.
All HTML content within our iFrame document is basically proprietary, and may change: there shouldn't be reasons for client-side integrations to leverage any of the HTML attributes, as Tim mentioned, you shouldn't build any client-side logic since Messenger's HTML code is not a formal "contract", and its attributes are meant for internal usage within the product itself.
Would be curious to understand how you have been leveraging that id attribute so far?

To follow-up on this: we will plan to restore the original id value to include genesys- prefix: once again, this is an internal-only attribute, so you shouldn't be using that attribute for any custom client-side logic. Updates planned in January.


Sorry for the late reply. Thank you for your support.
We have reported this to our customer and they understand.
We look forward to your continued support.

Best regards,
Hirofumi Enotani

This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.

Quick update: we are in process of reverting back the id attribute to genesys-messenger, will be restored today.


Sorry for the late reply.
Thank you for contacting us.

Best regards,
Hirofumi Enotani