I'm looking for any ideas on how to search for past x interactions based on a phone number (Inbound) where the caller performed a particular self service operation in the IVR.
The scenario is we have a particular self-service option in the IVR that is used frequently. We'd like to provide the caller an option in the IVR to skip directly to this self service option if over the past x number of calls in the last x days (less than 30 most likely) they hit this self-service option. We'll likely provide a option to the caller to skip ahead at some point in the flow.
To achieve this this I was looking at utilizing a data action to query Genesys CX. What I'm thinking is to have a query look for evidence of a call hitting either a particular flow/Milestone or existence of participant data to identify these interactions.
Anyone have examples to identify such calls querying for these from a data action?
Thank you in advance!