
I am trying to test

POST /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/secureivrsessions

to see if I can transfer a caller into a different flow. The objective of this is to transfer them into a post call survey after the call is done instead of just hanging up.

To test this, I am doing the following:

  • Receiving an inbound call into my Genesys phone and answering it.
  • Execute GET /api/v2/conversations from the API explorer to get the conversationId and participants Ids that I need to execute "secureivrsessions"
  • Execute secureivrsessions with the following parameters and body:
    • conversationId:
    • participantId:
    • sourceParticipantId:
    • flowId:
    • userData: "false"
    • disconnect: true

every time I execute

POST /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/secureivrsessions

I get the following error:

{  "message": "Backend service request 'createSecureSessionByParticipant' failed, with URL of '', http status code of 404, exception info: java.lang.Exception: root cause=org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException$NotFound.",  "code": "not.found",  "status": 404,  "contextId": "53907d84-8eda-42be-bd37-2726b0e67b08",  "details": [],  "errors": []}

I have tried using different flow-ids and using task ids as flow-ids but that didnt do anything.

It looks like you're including quotes in the path. Can you try removing the quotes from the path params when you send the request?

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