Send URL to customer from agent with token

I'd like to send a link to the customer with a token we generate (not the Genesys oauth token). However, I don't want to include the token as a URL param. Is there a way to achieve this? Is it possible to send the token as a custom attribute and be able to retrieve it from the client messenger widget?

Hi - can you elaborate on the use-case: what's the purpose of the tokens?

Thanks for getting back. The purpose of the token is for authentication. The token is generated by one of our api's from an action that the agent takes, then the agent sends a link with the token. When the customer clicks on the link in the chat, it makes a call to another api of ours and we must authenticate that the customer is authorized to access the information.
This call to the second api must have the token as a custom header in the request.
So far I'm using conversationsApi.postConversationsMessageCommunicationMessages and sending a link with the token as a url param but this is not ideal since we cannot have the token displayed in the url.

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