Set user to previous presence when going off queue

We have added several Presences for our organization under the Available presence. For some of these, we are using the .NET SDK to set the user On Queue after they select certain presences to save the agent some time since we know selecting that presence, the next step in our process would be for the agent to make themselves available for calls. In the case a user were to click the On Queue toggle to take themselves off queue, we are seeing that they are being put into the very top of the subset of Available presences. We expected that it would return them to the previous presence, as it does with any other presence found in Genesys. The user is returned to a previous presence when using a presence we have added, as long as it isn't one where we are also performing the automatic On Queue API patch.

We are using the IPresenceApi.PatchUserPresencesPurecloud(string userId, UserPresence body) call, and the UserPresence object is being created with the properties that come back after calling IPresenceApi.GetPresenceDefinitions0() and finding the On Queue presence. We are on the latest version 207.0.0.

Is this expected behavior? Is there some other way we should be handling the patching of the presence in this case? Thank you in advance!

Hi Houston,

I suspect it's not the .NET SDK itself but either API behavior or a sequence of actions across multiple APIs the UI is undertaking. Our SDKs are very light wrappers around the APIs and do not perform any business logic. I am going to reach out to the API team to see if they can explain the behavior.

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement

Hi John,

Just checking in to see if there has been any update on this since it's been a while and I don't want the post to auto close with no resolution. Thanks!

Hi Houston,

Let me ping the API team again.


Hi Houston,

I talked with the dev team. Here was their response:

"The restored previous presence is contained in the Genesys Cloud app itself, not the back-end. If you use a custom app to set the agent to ON_QUEUE, then the previous presence will not be preserved by the Genesys Cloud app and when the agent uses the Genesys Cloud app to take themself off the queue, the default status will be AVAILABLE."

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement

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