Setup web chat deployment


Currently I am investigating integrate Purecloud chat with my web app. Before I can do this, I need to setup Purecloud to support WebChat.

Here is the doc for adding a web chat deployment:

In the doc, I can create a deployment under ‘Contact Center’ section. But after I login as admin, I still don’t see the ‘Web Chat’ link under ‘Contact Center’.

Could someone tell me how to setup the webchat deployment, please?



This might be a licensing issue. Support should be able to point you in the right direction I think.

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Can you verify that you have the permission listed in the article? You may need to refresh as well after assigning the permission. You also do need a PureCloud 2 or PureCloud 3 license.

Thank you for you answers. I will contact support to find out whether it's licensing issue.

It shouldn't be a licensing issue, it looks like your organization has PureCloud 2 license. You do need the permissions listed.

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