Shorten Hyperlink in Send Reponse


Is there a way to edit a clickable hyperlink and shorten it before sending response to customer in chat?

Thank you.


I am not totally sure I understand what you mean by "edit a clickable hyperlink".

If your question is about WebChat v2 using the Genesys Widgets 2.0 UI, it supports markdown format. You can send a clickable link to the customer, that works like an <a> href. I mean My link to google.

In order to enable it on the customer/guest side (in the Genesys Widgets), you need to enable an option in the widgets configuration.

window._genesys.widgets.webchat.markdown = true

The option is listed in the Widgets WebChat configuration .

Your customer or your agent can then send a text formatted like this to create the equivalent of an a href:

[My Description for the link](https://myurl)


Hello Jerome,

Thanks for responding. Setting the markdown=true in the widget enables the agent to format the chat message but doesn't enable markdown if the customer is sending message.

Going back to my question, I looking for how to markdown the message body with in the Send Response Action. My customer has a requirement to format the response text like bold, italic and shorten hyperlink.


Thank you,

Michael Carreon


In Message Body, select the Expression mode.
"the format would be *for italic* and **for bold** and a short link [my link]("


Thanks Jerome. It works.