Sip traces api for download sip

Hi i calling sip trace api by passing conversation id and date in response getting multiple objects having multiple ruri domain whihc ruri domain used by my call how to know

Hi rohit,

What API are you making use of here ?

Api We are using get
/api/v2/telephony/siptraces in this passing conversation id ,start date = conversation_start,enddate=converstaion_end...i am getting response with muliplt traces which sip ip should we use to report this is used in calling for talk.

can you help on this

can you help on this??

Hi rohit,

From my research, you should go through the returned data and find the one whose method is invite. You can find some more information on the SIP in ietf

Hi , Thanks for response. i am also using invite to show the sip. However in some converstaions there are multiple agenta nd customer that contain multiple invite if i wnat to show report of each agent involvement out of multiple sip invites whihc invite belong to whihc agent is there any particular way t idnetify in same conversation