Some Script functions stop working when i change my language preferences

Hey everyone,

I'm building a script with date scheduling, I want to customize it differently from the way the default Genesys schedule works.

To do this, I built a draft version with my user preferences in English, and when I print my variables, they are all as I expected, the only thing left to do is put together some logic. However, if I change my language preference to Portuguese for example, which is my native language, things stop working.

Here is what my sketch looks like in English:


Here is the logic of some of the variables:

Dynamic String currentData : formatDate(dateToMilliseconds({{Scripter.Agent Call Start Time}}) +durationToMilliseconds({{Scripter.Agent Call Duration}}))

Dynamic Number selectedDataInMs : dateToMilliseconds({{selectedData}})

Dynamic Number currenteDataInMs : dateToMilliseconds({{Scripter.Agent Call Start Time}}) +durationToMilliseconds({{Scripter.Agent Call Duration}})

When i change to portuguese i start receiving NaN on the current Data Ms Logic.


Genesys automatically changes the name of script variables to those of my preferred language, so it should work, right?:

Dynamic String currentData : dateToMilliseconds({{Scripter.Hora de início da chamada do agente}}) +durationToMilliseconds({{Scripter.Duração da chamada do agente}})

Dynamic Number selectedDataInMs : dateToMilliseconds({{selectedData}})

Dynamic Number currenteDataInMs : dateToMilliseconds({{Scripter.Hora de início da chamada do agente}}) +durationToMilliseconds({{Scripter.Duração da chamada do agente}})

Do the functions only work in English or do I have to change something else, does anyone know?

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