SQA: How can I tell if my system uses Webhooks

I read that you cannot use OKTA (ONLY) authentication with Genesys Cloud if you are using webhooks. I can't find where I read that - so maybe it has changed, but since Genesys deployed our system over 4 years ago, I have no idea if they configured webhooks. So, I am very concerned about using Okta only authentication.

I warned you it was a stupid question alert! :confused:

The Genesys Cloud Webhooks integration would only be in use if you implemented a custom solution to send webhooks to Genesys Cloud to send messages into chat groups. You would need to get in touch with your internal dev teams and anyone you've hired to build customizations to see if they wrote anything that sends webhooks to Genesys Cloud. The requests do not require any authorization. https://developer.genesys.cloud/platform/webhooks/

Thank you!! I'm fairly certain we are not integrating with any chat groups internally or otherwise. Whew!