Terraform - Error creating queues

Hello colleagues,

I am massively creating queues with Terraform, with the help of a .csv file. When filling the "acw_wrapup_prompt" field, for example, with the value "MANDATORY_FORCED_TIMEOUT", I can fill the "acw_timeout_ms" field without problems.

When I fill the field "acw_wrapup_prompt", with the value, "MANDATORY", it does not make sense to give a value to the field "acw_timeout_ms". And here is my problem, I can't set the value to "0", because it forces you to indicate a numeric value, starting from "1000".

If I indicate a "correct" value, the creation of the queue objects is done correctly, but... in the command line I never get the OK.

I don't know if I have managed to explain my problem... thanks in advance!!!

Hi Javier,

I am going to dig into the expected behavior for MANDATORY vs. MANDATORY_FORCED_TIMEOUT and see exactly what the behavior. In reviewing the code, we are using a validation function that is checking to see if the value is between 1000-84600 milliseconds (I think that is the right time unit), but it is not trying to do any cross-validation to see if there is a difference if value is MANDATORY vs. MANDATORY_FORCED_TIME. When I get a chance to talk with the dev team, that will give me a better idea of behavior.

Could you please provide more detail:

If I indicate a "correct" value, the creation of the queue objects is done correctly, but...
in the command line I never get the OK.

Could you help me understand the statement. Is the queue getting created? Is Terraform hanging??? Any more comments would be greatly appreciated.

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement

Hi Javier,

I was able to reproduce the problem in our lab. MANDATORY should not have a timeout value with it and our constraint shows a minimum of 1000 - 84600 ms. This constraint should be 0-84600. I am going to write a ticket on this, fix the constraint, and update the documentation in the CX as a Code resource provider.

This should be a relatively simple fix to make so I should be able to have it out before the next release.

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement

Hi John,

thanks for your response.

What is the estimated date for the next update?

Hi Javier,

It is up for PR now and I dropped a message to my engineer in Ireland that I would like to get a release done sometime this week if possible. So barring any other issues, I am hoping this week or early next week.

John Carnell
Manager, Developer Engagement


ok John, we await!!


Hi Javier,

The fix should be out in the Release v1.13.0 · MyPureCloud/terraform-provider-genesyscloud · GitHub release. You can now set the value to zero for a MANDATORY item.

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement

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