Terraform failing for callback option during Queue creation

We are using Terraform provider version 1.36.1 and have included media_settings_callback options for callback auto dial and end.

On apply, Queue object is getting created with all options set for callback but the provider throws an error.

Below is out queue object settings and the error seen from terraform apply.

resource "genesyscloud_routing_queue" "Test_Callback_Queue" {
media_settings_chat {
enable_auto_answer = false
enable_auto_dial_and_end = false
service_level_duration_ms = 20000
service_level_percentage = 0.8
alerting_timeout_sec = 30
scoring_method = "TimestampAndPriority"
enable_manual_assignment = false
enable_transcription = true
queue_flow_id = data.genesyscloud_flow.InQueueFlow.id
suppress_in_queue_call_recording = false
whisper_prompt_id = data.genesyscloud_architect_user_prompt.whisperFunding2.id
agent_owned_routing {
max_owned_callback_hours = 2
enable_agent_owned_callbacks = false
max_owned_callback_delay_hours = 2
media_settings_call {
enable_auto_answer = false
enable_auto_dial_and_end = false
service_level_duration_ms = 20000
service_level_percentage = 0.8
alerting_timeout_sec = 8
skill_evaluation_method = "ALL"
skill_groups = []

calling_party_name = "Via Benefits Cloud Dev"
media_settings_email {
alerting_timeout_sec = 300
enable_auto_answer = false
enable_auto_dial_and_end = false
service_level_duration_ms = 86400000
service_level_percentage = 0.8
media_settings_message {
service_level_duration_ms = 20000
service_level_percentage = 0.8
alerting_timeout_sec = 30
enable_auto_answer = false
enable_auto_dial_and_end = false
auto_answer_only = false
default_script_ids = {
name = "Test_Callback_Queue"
acw_wrapup_prompt = "OPTIONAL"
media_settings_callback {
enable_auto_dial_and_end = true
auto_dial_delay_seconds = 10
auto_end_delay_seconds = 1
service_level_duration_ms = 20000
service_level_percentage = 0.8
alerting_timeout_sec = 30
enable_auto_answer = true
division_id = data.genesyscloud_auth_division.Home.id

Error from terraform apply:

genesyscloud_routing_queue.Test_Callback_Queue: Still creating... [4m50s elapsed]
genesyscloud_routing_queue.Test_Callback_Queue: Still creating... [5m0s elapsed]

│ Error: mismatch on attribute media_settings_callback.0.enable_auto_dial_and_end:
│ expected value:
│ actual value: true

│ with genesyscloud_routing_queue.Test_Callback_Queue,
│ on Test_callback_queue.tf line 32, in resource "genesyscloud_routing_queue" "Test_Callback_Queue":
│ 32: resource "genesyscloud_routing_queue" "Test_Callback_Queue" {

Hi @Aslam_Ahamed Thanks for bringing this to notice. We will fix the problem and update you.
You can still use the terraform resource queue as the callback option mentioned is an optional parameter .


Hi Hemanth,

Any update on when we will have a fix for the the optional parameters for callback start and end through terraform.

We have a major changes to our huge list of 600 queues to update with these callback settings through terraform before our Go-Live.

Let us know tentative date on this so we can plan our updates either through terraform or manually update on all 600 queues.


Hi @Aslam_Ahamed

The latest version Terraform Registry have fix for this problem. Can you run your app , with this provider and let us know if it resolves the problem.


Hi @Hemanth

I tried with latest version 1.37.0 and are able to update all our queues with media_settings_callback options successfully.


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