Terraform: suppress_in_queue_call_recording


I'm having problem activating suppress_in_queue_call_recording for queues through terraform. Link to the object, Terraform Registry

I did add it to my terraform code but, terraform was not able to recognize it. So, what I did is activate it manually through UI and export the queue to terraform but it does not have this property as well. I am missing something for me to use it?

Terraform version: Terraform v1.6.6 on linux_amd64

  • provider registry.terraform.io/mypurecloud/genesyscloud v1.9.0


Hi Basilio

That field was added to the queues resource in v1.24.0 of the genesyscloud provider. I would recommend updating to the current latest version 1.29.0


Hello Charlie,

Thank you for responding. Do you have a guide, on how to update to the current version?


Wherever your terraform block is defined, you'll want to change the value of version to "1.29.0"

terraform {
  required_providers {
    genesyscloud = {
      source  = "mypurecloud/genesyscloud"
      version = "1.9.0" # change this to 1.29.0

Then run the command terraform init -upgrade

Or if you omit the version field, terraform should look for the latest version after you run the above command.

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