Hi As we know google will phase out third party cookie in the near future -
While I have seen some other threads raised on this topic in the context of its impact embeddable framework and salesforce connector . I want to ask here about the impact of this change on customer using Platform API Client Javascript-SDK for client-side web-integration -
How will this change impact those customers ?
Do we have in our roadmap to handle this change within the SDK?
If Not do we have some guidance how the customers would need to handle/adjust their client-side javascript code after the enhanced privacy features are enabled by Google
The API/SDK doesn't use cookies.
Thanks Tim - but we do see the error in console
I am not sure but believe when we invoke login function it sets & access the authentication tokens
This is a bit of a pedantic discussion. The statement that neither the API nor the SDK use cookies is accurate and the deprecation of cookies therefore does not affect the API or SDK. What you're seeing is not set by the SDK. Those cookies are server-sent by the OAuth auth server and are exclusively used by the auth server, which is not part of the API or the SDKs. Developers using the API or SDK will not have to change how they are making requests since the API and SDK do not use cookies.
You are welcome to confirm the SDK's source code that it does not read or set cookies since it is open source. The specific part of the code that handles saving the token to local storage can be found here: platform-client-sdk-javascript/build/src/purecloud-platform-client-v2/ApiClient.js at master · MyPureCloud/platform-client-sdk-javascript · GitHub
The cookies that are shown in your screenshot are are used during the OAuth flow to automatically authenticate the user when a valid auth cookie is present. This is how you can complete an OAuth flow and get a new auth token without being prompted for credentials. My understanding is that once third party cookies are blocked by the browser, the auto-auth feature will no longer work for apps that are not hosted on one of the regional Genesys Cloud domains. Users will still be able to authorize the app, but they will be prompted for credentials because there won't be a valid auth cookie sent with the request.
Additionally, Google's plans are still in flux and are not final. Maybe they'll do the full deprecation, maybe they won't. There are multiple teams within Genesys monitoring the situating and responding as information becomes available. A new path for Privacy Sandbox on the web
Thanks Tim - really appreciate your clarification.
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