ToDateTime function returns false date time value


We have an API that returns a date time parameter as an integer. When I test it, I saw that it returns a weird value. The integer value is 1737814632147. Returned value is "57039-02-26T06:42:27.000Z".

I tried to convert int to date in JS and it returns "2025-01-25T14:17:12.000Z", so I expect Cloud to do the same.

Am I doing something wrong?


Looking at number it looks closer to a UNIX timestamp.
10 digits is the number of seconds, 13 is in milliseconds.

If Unix then its the number of seconds since 01/Jan/1970
You need to add the number of seconds to that date to get the datetime stamp you probably want.
Depending on accuracy required I guess you could "drop" the milliseconds


Thank you so much for your help, removing last three digits has fixed the problem.

Best regards!

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