Total "talking" or "established" time


Wich KPI or metric i should check to know how long the call is in established state, i mean, the time while the agent and customer is speaking.

I can see metric

tTalk --> Time an agent spent talking/interacting.

is there any difference between talking and interacting state?


talking and interacting mean the same here.
I mean that "talking" is referring to voice/call conversations (it covers the time the agent interacting with customer during a phone call - i.e. the time the agent talking with customer during a phone call).
"interacting" refers to the same activity when the conversation is of a different media type like chat/email/message/...


Hello Jerome.

Ok, so i guess i need to check the talking time because i´m only working with voice interactions

Point is, seems like talking is including also the time interacting with the customer, not only having the voice channel opened.

I need to get the "speaking time", while the interaction is connected vica voice., is it possible?

Best regards, and thanks for your help.


I don't understand your comment.
"tTalk" is the name of the metric. It applies to voice conversations (and represents the talk time) and to conversations of other media type (chat/email/... - as agent doesn't "talk" to the customer in this case, the description of the metric mentioned Interacting which would represent the time the agent has spent on this conversation - from accepting to ending it).

You can see the list of available metrics here

That's what talkTime is about.
You may have a look at the difference between tTalk and tTalkComplete as well:


O, i´m checking that point. I have a conversation where the client doesn´t pick up the phone and the tTalk is about 45 seconds. Seems like this metric is not having the time while call is connected with voice channel opened.

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