I am looking to use v2.conversations.{id}.transcription for a custom Agent Assist component to get the real-time transcription and process it.
I had a question come up about PII/PHI. Is there any redaction of sensitive data as part of this real-time feed? Or, is it purely raw? In my tests so far, it seems to be purely raw, I just wanted to confirm. This also made me think about how the native Genesys Agent Assist handles that scenario. Anyone have any thoughts? @jacobshaw
Hi Peter
Redacting sensitive information is a feature of voice transcription. It can be enabled as outlined here
Users need the ViewSensitiveData permission to see transcripts that are not redacted. An overview of how voice transcription works with sensitive data here
Just to clarify though: that only happens after the conversation is complete - for the transcript generated once the conversation is complete. It does not apply to the voice transcript topic (v2.conversations.{id}.transcription), correct?
After talking with the internal team, I got this info
Currently, for the near real-time transcription (emitted via kafka v2.conversations.{id}.transcription topic) the only way to redact PII is manually for the agent to do a secure pause, which mutes the audio while the caller utters their PII data, which is excluded from transcription. There is/was an effort to redact PII automatically via Anonymization/Named Entity Recognition (NER) service which looks like it's currently on hold.