Transport Mobile SDK - Android minimum Gradle and Kotlin Version

What is the minimum supported Gradle and Kotlin version required for using Transport Mobile SDK version 2.6.1 in an Android project?

Where can we find the requirements for each of the SDK versions being released?


If the host Android app is using Kotlin version 1.5.1, following error is thrown:

transforms-3/2537482241c982cdb7e414f3cc065e6b/transformed/jetified-kotlin-stdlib-jdk7-1.7.21.jar!/META-INF/kotlin-stdlib-jdk7.kotlin_module: Module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary version of its metadata is 1.7.1, expected version is 1.5.1

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At this moment we do not have any kotlin/gradle compatibility table in our documentation.

I will make sure to add that info.

For now, you can refer to this minimum requirements:

  • Gradle version 7.4.+, Gradle plugin 7.3.+
  • kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.7.+
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Thanks, and do we have any support for older Kotlin versions via older Transport Mobile SDK versions?

In other words, are older versions of the Transport Mobile SDK still usable? If yes, how to check the minimum requirements for those listed at ?

We used to have support for kotlin 1.5.30 and gradle 7.1 back in TransportSDK v1.2.0

But that was before GA launch and this version has basic functionality.

Since GA release we required a minimum of kotlin 1.6.21 and gradle:7.2.1. Thats for TransportSDK versions 1.2.2 - 2.2.0

Since 2.3.0 we moved to use kotlin: 1.7.21 and gradle 7.3.1 as this version contained a new kotlin K2 compiler and did much better in terms of stability and performance.

As I mentioned before, it is highly recommended to use latest version of Transport SDK as it has most recent features and bug fixes.

Can you share your concerns regarding upgrading to kotlin 1.7.+ ?

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We are checking for backward compatibility.

Do we have any guidelines on the following:

  1. How often a new version of the Transport SDK is released?
  2. Up till how many previous major and minor versions of the Transport SDK are actively supported by Genesys at a time?
  • On average we release a new version that contains feature every 1.5 month, but it depends on the feature. Between feature releases, we also do release hotfix versions with minor bug fixes and improvements.
  • We do provide support for any of our GA versions. Starting from 2.0.0 and forward.

Thanks, as you mentioned the support is only available from 2.0.0 and forward, what is the policy for minimum supported versions from a future support perspective. e.g. last 3 major versions, etc.

Hi @kushalashok ,

If you encounter any issue with TransportSDK 2.0.0 and higher, and upgrading to latest version did not fix it - we will make sure to resolve this issue in upcoming releases.
I hope I got your question right.

Hi @Anton_Afanasiev

Thanks again for your prompt response. Sorry, I am looking for Genesys support model / policy which should be independent of currently supported versions.

Could you please refer to this example from LivePerson which clearly explains the type of support available for older versions?

Oh, I see now.

@David1 , can you help with that?

@David1 : Do we have any update on this?

The mobile SDK support policy is waiting for review. Once I have updates, I will share.

Thanks for the patience!