Trigger: ACW Event specific WrapUP Code

I'm trying to create a trigger similar to this Process Automation - Workflow Not Invoked from Trigger using the triggers UI in genesys admin.

when using this condition 'exist' trigger is firing correctly

but when I am using conditions for wrapupCode contains/equals it is not firing, but on test it is matching correctly.

I want to create a trigger that will only fire for specific wrap up code. Hope some one can help.


What have you used as value (with your Equals operator)?
The wrapupCode value to define in the trigger is the id of the wrapup code (not its name).


thanks for the info will check on it, also is it possible to get the built-in variables on workflow such as call.ani/dnis/conversation ID from the previous interaction? .

here is the scenario which am trying to achieve using triggers and workflow

Step 1: agent call outbound then called party answer
Step 2: agent/called party hang up
Step 3: Agent select wrapupCode (i.e send sms - notification)
Step 4: Fire trigger depends on the wrapupCode selected (i.e send sms - notification).
Step 5: Workflow will run - in workflow need to get the number of the called party as the destination number of the SMS.
Step 6: Send SMS message to the called party number.

how to get the previous outbound call variables in work flow?

The attribute values of the fired event/topic can be made available in the Architect flow.
In your case, you could use the "conversationId" attribute available in the{id}.acw event schema.
in your workflow, you just need to create a string variable "conversationId " and enable "Input to flow " under Variable Options.
When the workflow is triggered, this variable will be populated automatically - the conversationId if will be contained in Flow.conversationId

You can then leverage the Genesys Cloud Platform API to retrieve the necessary information.
You can invoke it via a Genesys Cloud Data Actions integration.
As an example, you could invoke GET /api/v2/conversations/{conversationId} and parse the result to retrieve what you need.


Thanks you so much @Jerome.Saint-Marc, I am now able to do it. I did not know that I can create the conversation ID from the Resources->Data that was really new for me :smiley: , also I stick with the wrapupCode 'Exist' == True then I just included the wrap up code name when invoking /api/v2/conversations/${input.conversationId} so that filters can be done in workflow and won't need to look for the wrapup id.

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