Trigger for abandoned calls

Is it possible to create a trigger that invocates workflow only if the conversation was disconnected by customer in the inbound flow or in queue (before answering by agent)?

I tried to use the{id}.customer.end topic with the following conditions:

but this trigger fires even if the call was answered by agent and only then disconnected by customer.


how about using{id}.acd.end with match criteria of direction INBOUND and acdOutcome ABANDON (reference below from the Event Schema)

 "acdOutcome": {
    "enum": [

Hi Zubair,
thank you for your answer,
I've checked the option to use two separate triggers - one for queue abandons with the topic that you suggested, and another for inbound flow abandons, but the triggers don't support the{id}.flow.end topic. So, in this case, I can't figure out how to catch customer disconnects in inbound flows.

Hi Irina,

Other option I can think of is to get the conversationId from the trigger{id}.customer.end then in your workflow use a data action to query /api/v2/analytics/conversations/{conversationId}/details and check if following metrics exist.

  • tAbandon (for the Queue participant i.e. purpose == acd)
  • tFlowDisconnect (for the Flow participant i.e. purpose == ivr)

The path for above would be something like x.participants[x].sessions[x].metrics[x].name in the query response.

You can then build the logic in your workflow whether to proceed further or do nothing.

Thank you for your help, Zubair.

I think you are right, and I have to add the abandoned and disconnect conditions to the trigger workflow.

And we definitely need more triggers available through UI:
All Triggers Available Through UI | Genesys Cloud Ideas Portal (

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