Trigger on user.{id}.activity retrieve data on Wrokflow

Hi everyone,

i'm trying to set a Workflow on a trigger topic : user.{id}.activity.
It's working fine, the workflow is launched correctly.

But i would need some info from the Event that have triggered, but i'm not able to get it on the flow !
How can i get the userId, the status and other info from the event ?

Here the Json event :

"id": "095894df-3d33-49f4-9377-db9b274baddb",
"routingStatus": {
"status": "OFF_QUEUE",
"startTime": "2023-11-29T17:29:06.851Z"
"presence": {
"presenceDefinition": {
"id": "6a3af858-942f-489d-9700-5f9bcdcdae9b",
"systemPresence": "AVAILABLE"
"presenceMessage": "",
"modifiedDate": "2023-11-30T07:02:25.614Z"
"outOfOffice": {
"active": false,
"modifiedDate": "2023-10-25T10:34:18.686Z"
"activeQueueIds": [
"dateActiveQueuesChanged": "2023-11-29T17:30:55.546Z"

Thanks for your help.

I created an example for the user activity topic:

The key part is that you are going to want to use a dataFormat of type Json so that you will have access to the entire JSON object in your flow as the jsonData input parameter.


Hi Jason,

Thank you for your answer.
But i have done some test and jsonData is empty ... do i miss something ?
I have created a JSON input data on the flow.
If i try to manipulate with JSon function it crash, and if i print it, it is empty...

Any advise ?


Ok, i found the issue,
i have edited the trigger through API to set DataFormat to Json, it is not set by default, now it works.

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