Tryting to call the consult transfer api by Java and rejected by Genesys with: Client credentials cannot be used for requests to this resource

I want to call api /api/v2/conversations/calls/{conversationId}/participants/{participantId}/consult
by Java, 'cause i want to create a customed consult transfer function. yes, i have used client id and client credentials, but it was rejected by Genesys with: Client credentials cannot be used for requests to this resource

How could i solve this problem, maybe ,how could i get user context, since we call the api by backend.
or, are there any other replacement apis for consult transfer which can use client credentials

Any help would be appreciated, Thank you very much

This is behaving as expected; some resources don't work with client credentials and will throw this error. Your app must be authorized using a user-based grant, which is any of the supported OAuth flows except client credentials. You can find documentation an an explanation of each of the grants here:

Tim, Thank you for your reply

I have read the document, so, it is advised/suggested to call the api by frontend using grant type Authorization Code Grant, right?

The auth code grant is one of the supported oauth grants. Which one you should use depends on your application's architecture.

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