Unable to Create Deleted or Inactive Users through API

We are using APIs to create a user from Power Apps dashboard or directly through an API. But when we tried to create a user who is either deleted or the status is inactive, we are getting 400 bad request error and the same is with power apps. Could you please help if there is any way to create/restore a user even though they are deleted earlier or inactive using an API.


Here is an endpoint for modifying user's state: https://developer.genesys.cloud/devapps/api-explorer#put-api-v2-users--userId--state


Hi @Ebenezer_Osei
Thanks for the update.

We are using

POST [api/v2/users/search] (https://api.mypurecloud.de/api/v2/users/search) to look for all users, but its not giving the inactive/deleted users details.

Hence we were asked to use the GET - /api/v2/users API which will return users of all state but its taking so much time to load and to iterate through the pages as we have almost 1300 pages of 100 users in each page and its taking hours to load the data.

Could you please help for any API which loads data at faster rate and which can give the user details of all the active , inactive and deleted state.


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