Unable to delete a partner event source

We have deleted the event bus and event rule and trying to recreate the Eventbridge integration. However, the existing eventbridge partner source cannot be deleted. When I tried to run the CLI to remove the partner event source aws events delete-partner-event-source --name aws.partner/genesys.com/cloud/7785h553234-72eb-434e-bb5b-b32hv34b5/genesys_ --account 63264232312122 it gave me a validation error. How can we go about resetting the eventbridge and creating the event source again?

Error received:

An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the DeletePartnerEventSource operation: Caller is not whitelisted for the event source partner namespace aws.partner/genesys.com

All IDs are redacted in the question.


I found this on the Resource Center.
If the integration is no longer needed, you can delete it. Deleting the integration deletes the partner event source in AWS.


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