Unable to save complete JSON output of an outbound API in a output Contract variable(campaigndata)

Hello Team,
Greetings, I am getting output of API(Campaign Details), but unable to save it in one variable. as I want to use it for next PUT operation. Plz help with the Translation Map/Success Template syntax details. and a logic to understand the same.(a documentation/Video link plz)

Below is the output of the API request: I have one output contract variable "campaigndata", and want to save all the output in that variable. (as of now I could see a flat JSON output)

Thanks a lot..!!!

GET /api/v2/outbound/campaigns/{campaignId}


"id": "148abdewewewewew48f-84cf-efXXXbf2",
"name": "SNOW_INC_Mgmt",
"dateCreated": "2023-08-10T03:14:31.842Z",
"dateModified": "2023-08-10T08:58:00.723Z",
"version": 42,
"contactList": {
"id": "cc0wewedb6-4669-b7fc-3ebXXXX4f0",
"name": "Shift1_IncMgr_Snow",
"selfUri": "/api/v2/outbound/contactlists/cc03efcd-XXXX669-b7fc-3eb5wewewe4f0"
"dialingMode": "agentless",
"site": {
"id": "0b1502wewewew9-4405-a60f-92c4f6ae1dfa",
"name": "Cawewearszawa (PL)",
"selfUri": "/api/v2/telephony/providers/edges/sites/0b150218XXX05-a60f-92c4f6ae1dfa"
"campaignStatus": "off",
"phoneColumns": [
"columnName": "ContactNo",
"type": "Cell"
"abandonRate": 5,
"dncLists": [],
"callAnalysisResponseSet": {
"id": "0afwe-4b79-404a-bb19-95XXXx9ef",
"name": "SNOWOB",
"selfUri": "/api/v2/outbound/callanalysisresponsesets/0afd8dfdfb79-404a-bb19-9594dda689ef"
"callerName": "weweni ServiceNow",
"callerAddress": "+442dddddf84",
"outboundLineCount": 1,
"ruleSets": [],
"skipPreviewDisabled": false,
"previewTimeOutSeconds": 0,
"singleNumberPreview": false,
"alwaysRunning": false,
"contactSort": {
"fieldName": "ContactNo",
"direction": "ASC",
"numeric": false
"contactSorts": [
"fieldName": "ContactNo",
"direction": "ASC",
"numeric": false
"noAnswerTimeout": 20,
"callAnalysisLanguage": "en-GB",
"priority": 5,
"contactListFilters": [],
"division": {
"id": "bweww070-4c -d9fb412e8b1a",
"name": "Home",
"selfUri": "/api/v2/authorization/divisions/bweewDDD ec5DDD412e8b1a"
"dynamicContactQueueingSettings": {
"sort": false
"selfUri": "/api/v2/outbound/campaigns/14wewewec-6c -efc77b7d9bf2"

I tried with the below given one translationMap, but its not working.

"translationMap": {
"campaigndata": "$.campaigndata"
"translationMapDefaults": {},
"successTemplate": "${campaigndata}"

Hi @devanand_gawande,

To create a JSON response, you must escape strings using the following macro:


To learn more about velocity macros, you can refer to this link.

So, within your success template, you should apply the macro to the campaignData defined in your output contract:

  "translationMap": {},
  "translationMapDefaults": {},
  "successTemplate": "{\"campaignData\": \"$esc.jsonString(${rawResult})\"}"

Below, the response:

If you prefer to get rid of entities and directly access the array containing campaign data, you can add a temporary variable in the translationMap as the following:

  "translationMap": {
    "temp": "$.entities[*]"
  "translationMapDefaults": {
    "temp": "[]"
  "successTemplate": "{\"campaignData\": \"$esc.jsonString(${temp})\"}"


Attached, you will find the Data Action, all set and ready for you to use :slight_smile:
Get-Campaign-Data-20230811101211.custom.json (906 Bytes)

Best regards,


Thanks a lot Charaf..!! It worked as expected.

Need one more help plz,
How to pass the Raw Request (String) as a input to the data action.
Now I have the campaigndata in one variable, using replace function I replaced the "campaignstatus" :"off or on" to "CampaignStatus" : "${input.campaignStatus}". But now I have to pass the new variable value as a Raw Request Template. I tried to create an input contract but its not working. plz guide.

Dev Gawande.

Hi @devanand_gawande,

I assume you are targetting the following API endpoint to toggle the campaign status:

PUT /api/v2/outbound/campaigns/{campaignId}

You need to provide the campaignId as input to update the desired campaign status, along with a JSON object in the request body.

The body should be structured as follows:

   "name": "",
   "version": 0,
   "contactList": {
      "id": "",
      "name": "",
      "selfUri": ""
   "queue": {
      "id": "",
      "name": "",
      "selfUri": ""
   "dialingMode": "",
   "script": {
      "id": "",
      "name": "",
      "selfUri": ""
   "edgeGroup": {
      "id": "",
      "name": "",
      "selfUri": ""
   "site": {
      "id": "",
      "name": "",
      "selfUri": ""
   "campaignStatus": "",
   "phoneColumns": [
         "columnName": "",
         "type": ""
   "abandonRate": {},
   "dncLists": [
         "id": "",
         "name": "",
         "selfUri": ""
   "callableTimeSet": {
      "id": "",
      "name": "",
      "selfUri": ""
   "callAnalysisResponseSet": {
      "id": "",
      "name": "",
      "selfUri": ""
   "callerName": "",
   "callerAddress": "",
   "outboundLineCount": 0,
   "ruleSets": [
         "id": "",
         "name": "",
         "selfUri": ""
   "skipPreviewDisabled": true,
   "previewTimeOutSeconds": 0,
   "alwaysRunning": true,
   "contactSort": {
      "fieldName": "",
      "direction": "",
      "numeric": true
   "contactSorts": [
         "fieldName": "",
         "direction": "",
         "numeric": true
   "noAnswerTimeout": 0,
   "callAnalysisLanguage": "",
   "priority": 0,
   "contactListFilters": [
         "id": "",
         "name": "",
         "selfUri": ""
   "division": {
      "id": "",
      "name": "",
      "selfUri": ""
   "dynamicContactQueueingSettings": {
      "sort": true

Ensure you have filtered out the campaignData array to only include the campaign you intend to update
Here's an example where I passed the JSON body as input to data action, and the update worked successfully:

I hope that helped.

Best regards,


Hello Charaf,

Thanks a lot. its working(with hardcoding the value eg. on,off), but is there any way I can set the status of campaign by giving input to the Data Action using variable. I used "replace" function but lot of values got modified and the operation failed.

Like I want to stop the campaign here, so I used the "replace" function and modified the value of the Template from "on">>> "${input.campaignStatus}" then I passed the value "off" to this input. but the stop operation failed.

The error message is: [${input.campaignStatus}] is not valid field type [campaignStatus]. Allowable values are on, stopping,off..etc

xxxa60f-92c4f6ae1dfa" }, "campaignStatus" : "${input.campaignStatus}", "phoneColumns" : [ { "columnName" : "ContactNo", "type" : "Cell" } ], "abandonRate" : 5.0, "dncLists" : [ ], "callAnalysisResponseSet" : { "id" : "0afd.......


Dev Gawande.

For time being, I replaced the string,

"campaignStatus" : "${input.campaignStatus}"

using below given architect function and it worked.

Replace((Flow.s_CampaignData),""campaignStatus" : "on"", ""campaignStatus" : "off"")

Thanks a lot for your help.


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