Unable to Setup Archy inside VDI

I am trying to setup the Archy inside VDI and get the error as shown in the below attached image.

I believe it is something with proxy. Please help me with any possible solution.


archy error

Hello, I don't see any errors in the image you've attached. Could you provide more information on the error you're getting?

I keep getting

But where's the error you stated you're getting? I don't see any error messages as you stated in your original post. Do you instead mean that there aren't any errors but the process isn't behaving how you'd expect? What happens after those calling url traces?


I see in your original post that you are using a proxy. Archy does not support proxy configuration at this time. We do have a blurb about this on our FAQ page :

Question: Does Archy support proxy configuration?
Answer: Neither Archy nor Architect Scripting support proxy configuration currently.

Please feel free to create a new product idea on https://genesyscloud.ideas.aha.io/ideas as a possible future product enhancement.


Hi Tim,

Sorry for the confusion. I am not getting any error.

As i said i keep getting the calling URL response and doesn't go to next step .

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