Use participant data of Secure flow into script

I have a scenario where I am calling a secure flow on page load action from script and in the secure flow I am using a data action to get conversation related data. After that I am setting that result in a participant data. Now, when the flow returns to the script, I want to use that. For that, I have defined a variable with the same name of participant data used in Flow as an input. But I cannot get the value to use in script which is set in secure flow.

Please suggest a way to use the data of the secure flow in script.

Hi Subhajit,

This forum is usually for asking questions about our Genesys Cloud platform API and the corresponding API developer tools. I suggest you cross-post over to our Genesys Cloud Knowledge Network as many of our professional services folks frequent that discussion and can help with script/Genesys Cloud Architect flow questions.

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement