User Provisioning with WEM Licenses

Hi everyone,

I have recently started to work on the project - PoC, where we are having Genesys Cloud WFM solution for one of our customer who has currently Genesys Engage, that means that we have a very special license for the Genesys Cloud "Genesys Cloud EX".
I wrote some scripts which export users out of the Genesys Cloud and was going to use Terraform to inject those users into the Genesys Cloud. But it actually does not work properly. When terraform creates users it got an error from genesys:

[{0 Failed to read routing utilization for user 7cf1f3da-1311-416e-81cd-28193254ff83 error: API Error: 403 - Unable to perform the requested action. You must have at least one of the following permissions assigned: [routing:utilization:manage, routing:utilization:view] (6afa0bd7-33f6-49e1-a725-32dd8d92b8c1) {"resourceName":"genesyscloud_user","method":"GET","path":"/api/v2/routing/users/7cf1f3da-1311-416e-81cd-28193254ff83/utilization","statusCode":403,"errorMessage":"API Error: 403 - Unable to perform the requested action. You must have at least one of the following permissions assigned: [routing:utilization:manage, routing:utilization:view] (6afa0bd7-33f6-49e1-a725-32dd8d92b8c1)","correlationId":"6afa0bd7-33f6-49e1-a725-32dd8d92b8c1"} []}]

It looks like it tries to check some parameters which are relevant for the routing, but which are not part of the Genesys Cloud EX License and got 403 error. I have checked in the available permissions - there is no such available to select for a role. And I assume that there might more parameters connected with other permission, which terraform tries to check and wich are not the part of the Genesys Cloud EX.

Do you think there is workaround for that?

Hi Anton,

The CX as Code runs under an OAuthClient which has roles and permissions. The error is not in CX as Code but rather the fact that your OAuth client does not have permissions. If the permissions are not showing up, you are missing a product for which the role can be assigned.

Could you provide an example of the Terraform config you are using (minus any PII) data here usually we need to make sure that the queue configuration you are trying to set does not include any fields that might not be set?

John Carnell
Director, Developer Engagement

Hi John

Thank you very much for your quick response.

Actually I am having only the problem with this piece of config:

locals {
user_data = csvdecode(file("${path.module}/custom_config/users/users.csv"))

resource "genesyscloud_user" "imported_users" {
for_each = tomap({for user in local.user_data : => user })
name =
email =
dynamic "routing_skills" {
for_each = toset(split(";", each.value.skills))
content {
skill_id = genesyscloud_routing_skill.skills[routing_skills.key].id
proficiency = 2
dynamic "routing_languages" {
for_each = toset(split(";", each.value.languages))
content {
language_id = genesyscloud_routing_language.languages[routing_languages.key].id
proficiency = 2


Aparat from that I have few files with configs which creates skills, queues, but they worked just fine. In fact the users have been created by the terraform as well, but the terraform stopped with an error which I shared in the Post. .

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