Using an Variable in an expression for queue transfer

I cannot seem to get this to work.

The Variable Flow.Email_queue is correct, but the xfer does tot work.


Has anyone tried to use an expression with a Variable to xfer to a queue that cna shed some light?

I also tried this.....
No joy with that either.

FindQueue(Flow.VariableName) should work.

Can you try FindQueue("ReplaceNameOfYourQueue") i.e. use the Name of Queue instead of Variable and see if that works?

hello and thanks for responding. I did replace the expression with the queue name and that was fine.
I ended up discovering what the problem was late last night. After talking with Genesys support they noticed a null on a line past my expression. I found this very odd. As it turns out I had some hidden carriage returns in my statement and Genesys was not liking that. I deleted the extra spaces and returns and, what do you know, it worked !

I will now always remember to check for anything after my sting to be sure its clear.

Thank you for your help.
Have a great holiday

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