Using the WaveformData recording API to generate an audio file


We can receive both 'mediauri' and 'waveformdata' information as a result of the request to "/api/v2/conversations/{conversationId}/recordings/{recordingId}" endpoint.
Are there any examples of using 'waveformdata' to generate an audio file?
I've confirmed that the size of the 'waveformdata' array received from this API request is consistent each time.
I'm curious whether this data can be utilized to create an audio file.

    "mediaUris": {
      "0": {
        "mediaUri": "https://...validUrlOne...",
        "waveformData": [...validWaveformData...]
      "1": {
        "mediaUri": "https://...validUrlTwo...",
        "waveformData": [...validWaveformData...]

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