We apologize but something unexpected happened. Please try again later

We start receiving this message after about 2-3 hours of running web messenger. Chrome console logs show that there is a websocket connection to "to our URL" failed. The cxbus.min.js file is producing the following error"

""%cCan't register plugin " + ie(e) + " -- Name is already taken"
"%cCan't load plugin (" + ie(e) + ") -- This plugin is already loaded or an unexpected error occurred."
"%cError: (" + a + ") is not recognized as a javascript file. Please map plugins to javascript files only."

Please advise.

Thank you

Hi Eric,

You will need to open a ticket with our Care support team on this issue. This will ensure that we get the issue into our ticketing system, ensure that it gets appropriate SLAs assigned, and then get it routed to the appropriate engineering group. A Care ticket can be opened here.


Thank you John for your response. I did open a ticket and we were told that since this in Beta that we needed to ask in the Developer Forum. I will respond to the ticket then.

Thank you again.

Hi Eric,

To confirm, you saw this error occur after the end-user was connected for 2-3 hours? Did you see any odd behavior in the Messenger UI or only the errors in the console? Did this happen while navigating across pages of the website?

Any extra information you can provide will help us look into this.

When we implemented the snippets, 3 of the URLs we tested once to ensure the flow was working and had planned to move those to production. The fourth URL is our sandbox where we were testing different configurations for future release to the other 3 URLs. Running through the first 3 took at most 5 minutes of testing because for now the bots are going to be a simple Q&A and then we left them alone. Our sandbox URL was pretty active with us testing new bots but the same Inbound message flow. After about 2 ~ 3 hours of testing we would start seeing the error and telling us to try again later. Then we would test the other 3 URLs which had no activity and they would respond with the same error.

Hi Eric,

Thanks for explaining your use case here. Looking at the info, you said "websocket connection to "to our URL" failed" which is the reason this dialog appeared. Ideally, the websocket connection should have succeeded here, it is not clear to me yet why it failed, unless the session is expired or so. Which I believe is the case here since the other 3 URLs responded in the same manner. In this case, the error message displayed in the dialog is generic but not specific. This is something we improved lately in properly conveying the specific error and handle it. Our next release of Web Messenger should have this fixed. When release happens, it should automatically reflect and you shouldn't see this issue anymore.

But if this is not about session expiry, I would like to understand more on the error you received when websocket connection failed and go from there.


Our IT department stated that there is nothing to timeout our websocket connection, however, when we test using Firefox we now see a console error of "GET wss://webmessaging.mypurecloud.com/v1?deploymentId=62906d94-dcac-4833-94ca-e35bb57e33c6 [HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden 2640ms]"

Is there something on our end to change that 403 status?

Thank you,


After checking on this error, we found it was an issue on our side and is now fixed. You should now see the websocket connection working correctly. Appreciate bringing this to our notice, thank you.

Thank you Ranjith. We are now able to test again.

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